

The Being With Course is an invitation to invest in becoming the type of person who knows how to be with yourself, others, the world around us and through this to be with God. It is an invitation to discover faith in the context of discovering friendship.

The course tries to do what it says on the package. The heart of this course is that Being With is what God is all about so we’ve designed a course that should feel like that.

The course is run over 10 sessions, either online or in person covering topics like essence, story, community, suffering and hope. Each session holds space to hear the large and small stories that have made up your life and for you to listen to those of others, it then puts our stories in the context of a talk based in thinking from other cultures and times.

There is no judgementalism, no wrong answers and no proscribed path for you. Truth is only found as we learn how to be with.